What Does “Just Sustainability” Entail

 “The need to ensure a better quality of life for all, now and into the future, in a just and equitable manner, whilst living within the limits of supporting ecosystems”(Agyeman).

The four essential conditions for just sustainable communities involves:

1.) improving our quality of life and wellbeing;

2.) meeting the needs of both present and future generations (intragenerational and    intergenerational equity);

3.) justice and equity in terms of recognition, process, procedure, and outcome

4.) living within ecosystem limits (also called ‘one planet living’).

Therefore, creating community gardens will provide great job opportunities for the residents living in Brockton. The city is also struggling with a high incarceration rate. Community members will benefit from having access to local grown food while giving the local youth invaluable skills. The hope is that by teaching the children to garden it will provide a form of fulfillment, because they will be a part of the creating and growing process. Lastly, living within ecosystem limits intersects with our proposal because building the gardens will create green space, which will be beneficial in helping the environment stay cool during hot days, and provide a space for relaxing activities such as gardening. It will push community members to care about the planet and seek to create more green spaces in the city.